
Wetlands Services

Any project that has potential to impact stream channels or wetlands is required to delineate and apply for a 404 permit. E&A’s environmental scientists help owners, facilities managers, developers and government agencies identify and overcome environmental obstacles through proactive planning, permitting and compliance. Wetlands Services include:

Wetland Delineations (in accordance with the 1987 Corps Manual and associated Regional Supplements)

  • E&A’s Wetland Scientist(s) will canvas the site area for signs of wetlands and waters of the U.S.
  • Identified wetland areas are surveyed and documented in a written report which establishes the potential impact of the proposed project and the recommended plan regarding permit requirements and wetland mitigation by the Corps of Engineers (COE). We also correspondence with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the presence of habitats for threatened and endangered species during this phase. 

 Section 404 Permitting – Nationwide Permits

  • Nationwide Permits are issued by the COE based on the project and impacts to wetlands and waters of the U.S.
  • If the wetland delineation indicates that a permit is required, E&A will submit an application to the COE. 

 Section 404 Permitting – Individual Permits

  • Individual Permits are typically required if permanent impacts to wetlands will exceed 0.5 acres or exceed impact limits to waters of the U.S. allowed by nature of project activity.
  • Due to the amount of time and resources required to obtain Individual Permits, E&A generally recommends avoiding these projects and staying within Nationwide Permit limitations.

Wetland Mitigation Planning, Design and Reporting

  • Project activities that permanently impact more than 0.1 acre of wetlands require compensatory wetland mitigation at (typically) a 2:1 replacement ratio. 
  • Wetland Mitigation Plans are generally required by the COE prior to mitigation site construction.  E&A has constructed numerous wetland areas within the region that have successfully replaced the impacted areas. 
  • The COE generally requires that an As-Built Wetland Mitigation Report be submitted following the creation of the wetland mitigation site. During this phase, E&A will verify contractor grading design, provide elevation staking (if needed), verify size requirements and verify hydric soil placement and seeding.  E&A will summarize construction observations in an As-Built Wetland Mitigation Report that is submitted to the COE.

Wetland Mitigation Monitoring

The COE requires five years of annual monitoring following the first year of completing a mitigation site. This is to ensure that the mitigation site is progressing to a functioning wetland that will match the performance standards outlined within the Wetland Mitigation Plan.

Click here to request Wetlands Services.

Wetlands Services Contact

Zach Jilek, CPESC

Environmental Services

Department Manager

Omaha, Lincoln