
Lake McConaughy & Lake Ogallala

Ogallala, NE

The overall goal of this project was to improve some of the existing campsites and roads within the Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala State Recreation Areas. E&A was asked to conduct the delineation two weeks before the end of the field season, and was completed in one week’s time. The project is located 330 miles from E&A’s Omaha office.


As part of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, a wetland delineation is required for developments/projects to determine if wetlands or Waters of the United States will be impacted by the proposed project. E&A conducted a wetland delineation of 34 areas designated for improvements along approximately nine miles of shoreline. Twenty-five wetlands areas totaling 48.5 acres were identified within or near the improvement areas, along with 4,278 feet of drainages.


Services Provided

Wetlands Services
Public Infrastructure

Key Partners

Nebraska Game and Parks
U.S. Fish and Wildlife