
Ardent Mills

Omaha & Fremont, NE

The overall goal of this project was to design and permit Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for three grain mills that would comply with the regulations and guidelines set forth by the State of Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy. Ardent Mills is responsible for implementing and maintaining stormwater pollution prevention controls and good housekeeping measures to prevent stormwater from coming in to contact with flour and grain milling activities on site. Two grain mills are located in Omaha, and one is located in Fremont.


The State of Nebraska has authorized the discharge of stormwater from industrial activities under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit. E&A originally designed the SWPPPs in 2012 for ConAgra, re-permitted the grain mills in 2016 and updated the SWPPPs for Ardent Mills in 2017, after Ardent Mills began operating at the mills. The Ardent Mills are permitted under SIC Code 2041, Sector U – Food and Kindred Products. The SWPPP was designed primarily to prevent stormwater from coming into contact with the bulk flour, bagged product and millfeed loading.

Services Provided

Industrial Stormwater Permitting


Key Partners

Ardent Mills Inc.
Conagra Brands