
Crystal’s New (For Now) Normal

Crystal Garstang, Public Works & Transportation Engineer

Over the next couple of weeks, we will peek into the lives of some employees to see how they are adapting during this surreal time. 

The biggest change for our family is having my daughter home and distance learning. It took a few weeks, but we settled into a good routine with both of us working here. She’s had more conference calls than I normally do!

One of the biggest challenges with having her home is reminding myself that it’s okay if things don’t get done in the order or at the pace that I might expect. That goes for both work and things that need to get done at home. Some days my hours will be different if I need to help with school projects or questions. I am fortunate that the school is utilizing all of the same software for distance learning that they have been using all year so she is able to do most of her work on her own. With that said, I am reminded most days that I was not created to be a teacher. Teachers are magical superheroes and distance learning has taught me that I do not possess their gift.

So how are we making it work?
Overall, we’re doing pretty well. What’s happening with the virus is stressful and hard to comprehend, but I am grateful for what it has changed for my family over the last few months. While it’s not all rainbows and butterflies all of the time, I have really enjoyed the extra time together without the normal distractions of rushing from school to practice or dance rehearsals. I hope that my daughter doesn’t remember the stress of the quarantine, that instead she will think of swinging in the backyard, flying kites, reading, going for walks and watching way too much Netflix. I know that not everyone has this flexibility with their job and that just makes me even more thankful that I am able to work from home and not have that added stress.

Advice for others in your same situation?
Communication and flexibility are key when you’re working from home. I utilize all means of communication that I can. Microsoft Teams is really great for screen sharing while on a call or just messaging back and forth. I’ve learned that if my daughter is around, things aren’t quite as efficient so I usually get a lot of my work done in the morning before she wakes up. That is what works for us, but I think that when you work from home, your schedule will look a little different each day. I’m lucky to have supervisors who are very understanding and are willing to be flexible.