Dahlman Avenue is a heavily used industrial roadway in the Stockyards area of Omaha that had failing pavement, numerous undefined driveways and substandard geometrics creating safety issues. The challenge was to design a new street to current standards, while maintaining access during construction.
I have worked with E&A on two recent projects for the City of Omaha Public Works Dept. and the design and construction of these two projects went very well. The first project was a commercial/industrial collector street improvement to Dahlman Avenue, from F to H Street. This was a $1 million project to reconstruct and improve Dahlman Avenue for the current vehicle and traffic issues that plagued this area. Dahlman Ave is lined with commercial and industrial properties that have heavy, large truck traffic. The E&A design went very smoothly as they analyzed the needs and provided a design to limit the impacts to adjacent properties.
Jon Meyer, PE
City of Omaha Public Works
Working with the City of Omaha and property owners, E&A designed a new industrial street that accomplished the following:
- Realigned the Dahlman/H Street intersection to improve traffic operations.
- Widened the Dahlman/F Street and Dahlman/G Street intersections to improve truck movements.
- Reconfigured the driveway of a heavily used truck scale to comply with City driveway standards.
- Designed extensive construction sequencing plans to maintain access to critical industrial facilities.
- Coordinated with the BNSF Railroad, ROW and easement acquisitions and utility relocations.
Key Partners
City of Omaha
BNSF Railroad
TAB Construction Company