E&A completed a roadway design to convert S. 56th Street from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane arterial street for the City of Lincoln. This project involved re-evaluating an Environmental Assessment for NDOT and US Army Corps of Engineers review and approval.
This new, four-lane, concrete-paved arterial roadway has a new storm sewer system, improved water line, erosion control measures, sidewalks, drainage structure, concrete trail, retaining walls, lighting, noise wall, signing, and striping. It was a federal aid project, so it was designed to NDOT standards and overseen by NDOT and FHWA. E&A led a team comprised of sub-consultants handling environmental documentation, geotechnical studies, structural designs, and street lighting. We coordinated and assisted with the permitting process and public information meetings.
Key Partners
City of Lincoln, Nebraska
Nebraska Department of Transportation
US Army Corps of Engineers
Sub Consultants