
Cornhusker Road Widening

Papillion, NE


The overall goal of this project was to widen Cornhusker Road to accommodate increased traffic due to the development of the surrounding areas. To accomplish this, grading of the existing roadway, right-of-way, and tree clearing was necessary. Twenty-seven trees were designated for removal in the southern right-of-way near S. 140th Street, and two areas in the northern right-of-way.

One active nest was found in the northern right-of-way. E&A contacted the contractor at the end of the site visit and informed them which tree to avoid until the chicks were able to leave the nest. This gave the contractor the ability to start work in other areas while E&A completed the official report. A photo log and written report were provided to the client to keep on file.

*Note: An avian nest survey must be conducted or supervised by a qualified biologist. Avian nest surveys must be completed no more than 3 days before the removal of trees, shrubs, or vegetation that may contain an active nest. The MBTA is applicable year-round, but most migratory bird nesting in Nebraska takes place between April and September.

Key Partners

Sarpy County Public Works
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
White Lotus Group
Sarpy County SID #339